Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random Pictures

So I can't find my camera to take new pictures. I have to find t by tomorrow because it is Garrett's first Birthday. Any way , so I looked through my pictures and found some old ones. HOpe you enjoy.

This was on our wedding day. I l ove this picture because it shows exactly where he should be. Just kidding.

Garrett the day after he was born. He was born on the day that Heath Ledger died.

Dyllon the day he was born. Also the day the pope died.
Garrett almost 1 month old.

Why I hate having dog water in the house or outside.

I love his hair in this one and his look.


Katy said...

The first one of your wedding day is probably the coolest picture i've ever seen!!! It was perfect!!!

Megan J. Dawson said...

I like seeing old pictures! Has it really been that long since Heath Legder died? Weird.

Ami Paulsen said...

Stop killing people by having children!

Matt and Jess said...

I love the old pictures! Wow, watch our for when the next child is born!

Tiffany said...

I know, I am afraid of who would die next were I to have another.