Friday, January 8, 2010

New Years Resolution.

So this was my dinner last night. It's Weight Watchers spinach pizza. Not too bad tasting except when you get to the crust at the end. Not so tasty by itself.

This is a resolution. To lose the baby weight from Garrett so that I can lose the baby weight from Dyllon. I am currently doing WW, but started out doing a different diet that works really well but is really hard to stay on.

You do these herbal drops before everymeal and only eat 500 calories a day. It's very hard to do but you will lose about a pound a day. Unfortunatly you can't do it when you are on your period and guess what I started my 4th day into it. yeah sucked to be craving everything under the sun when you are only supposed to eat 500 calories a day.

My goal right now is to lose 50 pds. by August. Wish me luck. If anyone want to know how I am doing let me know. I hope that by letting all of you know, will keep me on the path.

I had thought about doing something on here like on Julie and Julia but I don't know if I am that brave. If you want me too let me know and I will. It would be a great challenge for me.

Unfortunately I a

m such a weak person that if only I know. I will cheat. Yup I am a wimp at self control.

So good idea or bad?


Cory and Cassie Slane said...

I will be your cheerleader!! However, I have to say that 500 calories a day is sooooo not good for you. How about like 1500? :)

Katy said...

Way to go Tiffany!!! i'm there with you... needing to lose the baby weight BADLY (and you and your baking finesse doesn't help my cause!!) :)

500 calories, are you sh**ing me???? that's right, i said it... that's like my breakfast!!!!! stay alive for us!!! but i do want to know how you're doing. i got to the gym every day... World Gym... if you wanna join me, i'd love it... it's my ME TIME.

Matt and Jess said...

500 calories a day??? Holy crap!! You should keep posting about it, so that then you feel like you can't cheat as much!! Good luck I hope you get your goal!!!